Family Update from CICS - 5.21.20

Written by Chicago International Charter School
21 May 2020

Dear CICS families, 

With just a few more weeks of remote learning until summer break, I hope that you and your children have taken the opportunity to engage with the teachers and staff at your school so that our students can finish the school year strong. While this isn’t the end of the year we envisioned, we want to be sure we’re doing everything we can for our families as we head into summer. If you need additional support, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your student’s teacher or your school director. We will do everything we can to support your family during this time. 

Memorial Day Week of 5/25 Meal Pickup Schedule Change – With Memorial Day this Monday, May 25, next week’s meal pickups will occur on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at all CICS elementary schools. We will resume our regular Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule during the week of June 1.

Grocery Assistance for ALL CICS Families – All CICS Families qualify to receive Pandemic EBT assistance to help buy food for school-age children. To date, the Illinois Department of Human Services has provided benefits for over 642,000 children in the state and applications are still being accepted and processed, so we expect the numbers to increase. Families who currently receive SNAP benefits do not need to apply and will automatically receive an additional amount on their LINK card. Families who aren’t currently receiving SNAP benefits can sign up by completing the online application for P-EBT (Click “Apply for Benefits”).  A paper application in English or Spanish is also available and can be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please see this flyer for information to help with the application process.

CICS Parent and Student Surveys During School Closure – As we continue with remote learning for the remainder of the school year, it is important that we collect information about our students’ and families’ experiences so that we continue to improve our delivery of remote learning and best address your child’s needs. Please complete these quick surveys by May 31 to share feedback. 

Thank you, and stay safe. 

Elizabeth Shaw


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